Preservation of electronic information:a bibliographyMichael Day |
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I have been interested in the preservation of information in digital form since the late 1980s when I wrote a dissertation on the subject as part of a Master of Arts degree in Library and Information Studies (1989) at Loughborough University of Technology. The aim of the bibliography is to indicate some relevant resources, with annotations and where possible some links to documents. The bibliography is updated from time-to-time.
Interest in preserving electronic information began in the 1970s within the archive community and the articles listed here by Dollar, Fishbein and Bell represent this initial period. The 1980s saw more concern with the development of electronic publications so libraries started to look at some of the preservation problems that these would create. In the UK, for example, the BNBRF (British National Bibliography Research Fund) funded some research studies that were produced by Hills, Sturges and Blake. In more recent years the US Commission on Preservation and Access (now part of the Council on Library and Information Resources) has sponsored important research in this area, and it jointly commissioned with the Research Libraries Group the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information that published its "seminal" report in 1996. Publications of the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) are available from its Web pages at: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Dec-2000).
Also useful are:
Abid, A., Memory of the World: preserving our documentary
heritage. Paris: UNESCO, Information and Informatics Division, July
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Acland, G., Cumming, K. and McKemmish, S., The end of the beginning: the SPIRT Recordkeeping Metadata Project. Paper delivered at the Australian Society of Archivists 1999 Conference, Archives at Risk: Accountability, Vulnerability and Credibility, Brisbane, 29-31 July 1999.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 29-Nov-1999)
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Dec-2000)
Acland, G., Reed, B. and McKemmish, S., Documenting business: the Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema. Paper for: ADCS'99, Australasian Document Computing Symposium, December 1999.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Dec-2000)
Ashley, K., NDAD: the UK National Digital Archive of Datasets. In: Electronic access: archives in the new millennium: proceedings, 3-4 June 1999. London: Public Record Office, 1999, pp. 49-51.
Ashley, K., Digital archive costs: facts and fallacies. In: Proceedings of the DLM-Forum on Electronic Records - European citizens and electronic information: the memory of the information society, Brussels, 18-19 October 1999. INSAR: European Archives News, Supplement IV. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000, pp. 121-128.
Australian Archives, Keeping electronic records: policy for electronic recordkeeping
in the Commonwealth Government. Dickson: Australian Archives, 1995.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 06-May-1999)
Bailey, C.W., Scholarly electronic publishing bibliography. Houston, Tex.: University of
Houston Libraries, 1996-97.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Dec-2000)
Barata, K., Bibliography on electronic records. Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences, 1996.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Beagrie, N. and Greenstein, D., A strategic policy framework for creating and preserving digital collections.
JISC/NPO Studies on the Preservation of Electronic Materials. eLib Supporting Study P3. London: South Bank University,
Library Information Technology Centre, 1998.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 18-Jun-1999)
Bearman, D., Optical media: their implications for archives and museums. Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report, 1 (1). Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1987.
Bearman, D., Archival methods. Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report, 3 (1). Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1989.
Bearman, D., An indefensible bastion: archives as repository in the electronic age. In: Bearman, D., (ed.) Archival management of electronic records. Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report, No. 13. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1991, 14-24.
Bearman, D., Diplomatics, Weberian bureaucracy, and the management of electronic records in Europe and America. American Archivist, 55, 1992, 168-181. Reprinted in: Bearman, D., Electronic evidence. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1994, 254-277.
Bearman, D., Archival principles and the electronic office. In: Menne-Haritz, A., (ed.), Information handling in offices and archives. Munich: K.G. Saur, 1993, 177-193. Reprinted in: Bearman, D., Electronic evidence. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1994, 146-175.
Bearman, D., Archival data management to achieve organizational accountability for electronic records. Archives and Manuscripts, 21, 1993, 14-28. Reprinted in: Bearman, D., Electronic evidence. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1994, 12-33.
Bearman, D., Record-keeping systems. Archivaria, 36, 1993, 16-36. Reprinted in: Bearman, D., Electronic evidence. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1994, 34-70.
Bearman, D., The implications of Armstrong v. Executive Office of the President for the archival management of electronic records. American Archivist, 56, 1993, 674-689. Reprinted in: Bearman, D., Electronic evidence. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1994, 118-144.
Bearman, D., Electronic evidence: strategies for managing records in contemporary organizations. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1994.
Bearman, D., Archival issues in a computing environment. In: Playing for keeps: the
proceedings of an Electronic Records Management Conference hosted by the Australian Archives,
Canberra, Australia, 8-10 November 1994.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 06-May-1999)
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 06-May-1999)
Bearman, D., Virtual Archives. ICA Meeting, Beijing, September 1996.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Bearman, D., Reality and Chimeras in the Preservation of Electronic Records. D-Lib Magazine, 5 (4), April 1999.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 18-Jun-1999)
Bearman, D. and Duff, W., Grounding archival description in the functional requirements for evidence. Archivaria, 41, 1996, 275-281.
Bearman, D. and Hedstrom, M., Reinventing archives for electronic records: alternative service delivery options. In: Hedstrom, M. (ed.) Electronic records management program strategies. Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report, 18. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1993, 82-98.
Bearman, D. and Lytle, R.H., The power of the principle of provenance. Archivaria, 21, 1985-86, 14-27.
Bearman, D. and Trant, J., Electronic Records Research Working Meeting, May 28-30, 1997: a
report from the archives community. D-Lib Magazine, July/August 1997.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Bearman, D. and Trant, J., Authenticity of digital resources: towards a statement of requirements in the research process. D-Lib Magazine, June 1998.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 18-Jun-1999)
Bell, L., The archival implications of machine-readable records. Archivum, 26 (1), 1979, 85-92.
Bennett, J.C., A framework of data types and formats, and issues affecting the long-term preservation
of digital material. JISC/NPO studies on the Preservation of Electronic Materials. British Library Research
and Innovation Report, 50. London: British Library Research and Innovation Centre, 1997.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 18-Jun-1999)
Bikson, T.K. and Frinkling, E.J., Preserving the present: toward viable electronic records. The Hague: Sdu Publishers, 1993.
Binns, S.E., Bowen, D.V. and Murdock, A., Migration strategies within an electronic archive: practical experience and future research. Archives and Museum Informatics, 11 (3/4), 1997, pp. 301-306.
Blake, M., Aspects of electronic archives. Electronic Publishing Review, 6, 1986, 151-167.
Blake, M., Archiving of electronic publications. Electronic Library, 7 (6), 1989, 376-386.
Blake, M., Practices of printers in relation to electronic archiving. Electronic Library, 8 (4), 1990, 239-243.
Blake, R., Electronic Records from Office Systems (EROS). In: Electronic access: archives in the new millennium: proceedings, 3-4 June 1999. London: Public Record Office, 1999, pp. 52-58.
Bowling, M.B., Literature on the preservation of nonpaper materials. American Archivist, 53, 1990, 340-348.
Brichford, M. and Maher, W., Archival issues in network electronic publications. Library Trends, 43 (4), 1995, 701-712.
British Library Research and Innovation Centre, Proposal for the legal deposit of non-print publications. London: BLRIC, 1996.
British Library, Legal deposit of publications: a consultation paper - response from the British Library.
London: British Library, 1997.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
British Library Working Party on Electronic Publishing. Vickers, P and Martyn, J. (eds.),
The impact of electronic publishing on library services and resources in the UK. Library
and Information Research Report 102. London: British Library, 1994.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Calmes, A.R., To archive and preserve: a media primer. Inform, 1 (5), 1987, 14-17, 33.
Calmes, A.R., Relative longevity of various archival recording media. In: Proceedings of conservation in archives: International Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, May 10-12, 1988. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada, 1988, 207-221.
Coleman, J. and Willis, D., SGML as a framework for digital preservation and access. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access, 1997.
Committee on Preservation, Subcommittee C, White paper: strategic technology considerations relative to the preservation and storage of human and machine readable records prepared for the National Archives and Records Service (NARS) ... 1994. Western Association of Map Libraries Information Bulletin, 16 (3), 1985, 312-324.
Conference of Directors of National Libraries (CDNL), Working Group, The legal deposit
of electronic publications, chaired by Brian Lang. Paris: UNESCO, 1996.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Conway, P., Digitizing preservation. Library Journal, 1 February 1994, 42-45.
Conway, P., Preservation in the digital world. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access, 1996.
Conway, P., Selecting mirofilm for digital preservation: a case study from Project Open Book. Library Resources & Technical Services, 41 (1), 1996, 67-77.
Cook, T., From information to knowledge: an intellectual paradigm for archives. Archivaria, 19, 1984-85, 28-49.
Cook, T., The archival appraisal of records containing personal information: a RAMP study with guidelines. PGI-91/WS/3. Paris: UNESCO, General Information Programme and UNISIST, 1984.
Cook, T., Easy to byte, harder to chew: the second generation of electronic records archives. Archivaria, 33, 1991-92, 202-216.
Cook, T., The impact of David Bearman on modern archival thinking: an essay of personal reflection and critique. Archives and Museum Informatics, 11, 1997, 15-37.
Cox, R.J., Electronic information technology and the archivist: bright lights, lingering concerns. American Archivist, 55, 1992, 232-234.
Cox, R.J. (comp.), Readings in archives and electronic records: annotated bibliography and analysis of the literature. In: Hedstrom, M. (ed.) Electronic records management program strategies. Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report, No. 18. Pittsburgh, Pa.: Archives and Museum Informatics, 1993, 97-152.
Cox, R.J., The first generation of electronic records archivists in the United States: a study in professionalization. Binghamton, N.Y.: Haworth Press, 1994.
Cox, R.J., More than diplomatic: functional requirements for evidence in recordkeeping. Records Management Journal, 7 (1), 1997, pp. 21-30.
Cox, R.J., Access in the digital information age and the archival mission: the United States. Journal of the Society of Archivists, 19 (1), 1998, 25-40.
Cox, R.J., American archivists, cyberculture, and stasis. Paper delivered at: Cyber, Hyper or Resolutely Jurassic? Archivists and the Millenium, University College Dublin, 2-3 October 1998.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 29-Nov-1999)
Cunningham, A., Journey to the end of the night: custody and the dawning of a new era on the archival threshold. Archives and Manuscripts, 24 (2), 1996, pp. 312-321.
Day, M.W., Preservation problems of electronic text and data. East
Midlands Branch of the Library Association, Occasional papers, no. 3. Loughborough: EMBLA
Publications, 1990.
Day, M.W., Extending metadata for digital preservation. Ariadne, no. 9, May 1997.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Day, M.W., Online serials: preservation issues. In: Jones, W., (ed.), E-serials: publishers, libraries, users, and standards. , The Serials Librarian, Vol. 33, Binghamton, N.Y.: Haworth Press, 1998, pp. 199-221.
Day, M.W., Metadata for digital preservation: an update. Ariadne, no. 22, December 1999.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Jun-2000)
Day, M.W., Resource discovery, interoperability and digital preservation: some aspects of current metadata research and development. VINE, Issue 117, 2000, pp. 35-48.
Pre-print version available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 10-Aug-2000)
DeWhitt, B.L., Long-term preservation of data on computer magnetic media. Conservation Administration News, (29), 1987, 7, 19 & 28, and: (30), 1987, 4 & 28.
Dodson, S. and Wellbeiser, J. (comp.), Bibliography of standards and selected references
related to preservation in libraries. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1996.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Dollar, C.M., Documentation of machine-readable records and research: a historian's view. Prologue, 3 (1), 1971, 27-31.
Dollar, C.M., Appraising machine-readable records. American Archivist, 41 (4), 1978, 423-430.
Dollar, C.M., Archival theory and information technologies: the impact of information technologies on archival principles and methods. Macerata: University of Macerata Press, 1992.
Duff, W., Ensuring the preservation of reliable evidence: a research project funded by the NHPRC. Archivaria, 42, 1996, 28-45.
Duranti, L., Reliability and authenticity: the concepts and their implications. Archivaria, 39, 1995, 5-10.
Duranti, L., The future of archival scholarship. Paper delivered at: Cyber, Hyper or Resolutely Jurassic? Archivists and the Millenium, University College Dublin, 2-3 October 1998.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 29-Nov-1999)
Duranti, L. and Macneil, H., The protection of the integrity of electronic records: an overview of the UBC-MAS Research Project. Archivaria, 42, 1996, 46-67.
Duranti, L., Eastwood, T. and MacNeil, H., The preservation of the integrity of
electronic records. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, School of Library,
Archival & Information Studies, 1996.
Available from: <URL:>
(Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Duranti, L., The preservation of the integrity of electronic records. In: Proceedings of the DLM-Forum on Electronic Records, Brussels, 18-20 December 1996. INSAR: European Archives News, Supplement II. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997, pp. 60-65.
Duranti, L., Permanently authentic electronic records: an international call to action. In: Proceedings of the DLM-Forum on Electronic Records - European citizens and electronic information: the memory of the information society, Brussels, 18-19 October 1999. INSAR: European Archives News, Supplement IV. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000, pp. 158-163.
Elkington, N.E., Heritage, scholarship and preservation in the digital age. In: Coppock, T., (ed.), Making information available in digital format: perspectives from practitioners. Edinburgh: The Stationery Office, 1999, 38-58-27.
Feeney, M. (ed.), Digital culture: maximising the nation's investment: a synthesis of JISC/NPO studies on the preservation of electronic materials. London: National Preservation Office, 1999.
Fishbein, M.H., Appraising information in machine language form. American Archivist, 35, 1972, 35-43.
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PGI-90/WS/12. Paris: UNESCO, General Information Programme and UNISIST, 1990.
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Gavrel, S., Preserving machine-readable records: a reply to John Mallinson. Archivaria, (22), 1986, 153-155.
Geda, C.L., Austin, E.W. and Blouin, F.X. (eds.), Archivists and machine-readable records:
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Gertz, J., Selection for preservation: a digital solution for illustrated texts. Library Resources & Technical Services, 40 (1), 1997, 380-401.
Graham, P.S., Intellectual preservation and the electronic environment. In: Hirshon, A. (ed.) After the electronic revolution, will you be the first to go? Proceedings of the 1992 Association for Library Collections and Technical Services President's Program. Chicago: American Library Association, 18-38.
Graham, P.S., Intellectual preservation: electronic preservation of the third kind. Washington, D.C.:
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Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 17-Jun-1999)
Graham, P.S., Long-term intellectual preservation. In: Elkington, N.E., (ed.) Digital imaging technology for preservation: proceedings from an RLG Symposium held March 17 and 18, 1994: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Mountain View, Calif.: Research Libraries Group, 1994, 41-58.
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19 March 1997.
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Hedstrom, M., Descriptive practices for electronic records: deciding what is essential and imagining what is possible. Archivaria, 36, 1993, 53-63.
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Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Dec-2000)
McKemmish, S. and Acland, G., Archivists at risk: accountability and the role of the professional society. Paper for: Archives at Risk: Accountability, Vulnerability and Credibility, the 1999 Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, July 1999.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Dec-2000)
McKemmish, S., Acland, G. and Reed, B., Towards a framework for standardising recordkeeping metadata: The Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema. Records Management Journal, 9 (3), December 1999.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Dec-2000)
McKemmish, S., Acland, G., Ward, N. and Reed, B., Describing records in context in the continuum: the Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema. Archivaria, (48) Fall 1999.
Available from: <URL:> (Last visited: 12-Dec-2000)
McKemmish, S., Cunningham, A. and Parer, D., Metadata mania: use of metadata for electronic recordkeeping and online resource discovery. First published in: Place, Interface and Cyberspace: Archives at the Edge, Proceedings of the 1998 Conference of the Australian Society of Archivists, Fremantle 6-8 August 1998.
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McKemmish, S. and Parer, D., Towards frameworks for standardising recordkeeping metadata. Archives and Manuscripts, 26 (1), 1998, 24-45.
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If you have any comments on this bibliography, please contact Michael Day, Research Officer, UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK.
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Maintained by Michael Day; of UKOLN, The University of Bath.
Created: 21-Jan-1997, Last updated: 12-Dec-2000. Links checked: 17-Jun-1999.